City Check In

Skip the airport chaos and check in for your flight effortlessly with our convenient city check-in services.

Group Booking Group Booking




Our staff will assist you through the check-in process


Skip the long airport queues and check-in with ease


Save time and travel light using our baggage drop services


Get more time to enjoy the city and uncover hidden gems.


Fast and cost-effective metro connectivity to the airport

Cities offering city check-in services

Experience the ease of our cityside check-in service and learn about its location, operating hours, and benefits designed to make your travel convenient.


Our city check-in facilities are situated at:

  • New Delhi Metro Station: The check-in counters are available at concourse level.
  • Shivaji Stadium Metro Station: The check-in counters are available adjacent to VFS Global Office at concourse level.

Operational hours

  • The check-in counters will be operational from 07:00 to 21:00 hours (IST) (subject to operational metro timings.)
  • Check-in duration
    • Domestic flights: 12 hours to 2 hours prior to the flight departure time.
    • International flights: 4 hours to 2 hours prior to the flight departure time.

How can I use the city check-in facility?

Step 1: Proceed to the city check-in facility at the metro station.

Step 2: Complete your check-in, drop off your baggage, and acquire your boarding pass.

Step 3: After completing check-in formalities, you can use the Airport Express Metro Line to reach Delhi Airport (T3) in 20 minutes.

Step 4: The boarding gates close 20 minutes before departure. Hence, arrive at the airport with sufficient time for security screening and immigration procedures before boarding your flight.

Additional services

  • You can purchase excess baggage, upgrade your travels, and select your preferred seats at the city check-in counters.
  • Special baggage will not be accepted at the city check-in counters.
  • Guests requiring special assistance are requested to check in at the airport counters. This includes unaccompanied minors, passengers travelling with pets, and passengers with medical conditions.


The city check-in services are available at Car Park Area/J Pod in the arrival area outside Rajiv Gandhi International Airport.

Operational hours

Check-in at the facility is available from 6 hours and up to 60 minutes before your flight’s departure.

How can I use the city check-in facility?

Follow these steps:

Step 1: Proceed to the city check-in facility.

Step 2: Print your boarding pass and baggage tags at the check-in kiosks.

Step 3: Attach baggage tags to your check-in baggage.

Step 4: Screen your baggage before proceeding.

Step 5: Scan your boarding pass through the scanner.

Step 6: Place check-in baggage on the Self Bag Drop weighing conveyor.

  • If your baggage exceeds the permissible weight limit, you will have to take it to the airport check-in counter inside the terminal.

Step 7: Collect the receipt from Self Bag Drop after successful dispatch of the bag to the Baggage Handling System.

Step 8: Proceed to the airport terminal for your flight.


  • Currently, this facility is available for Air India’s domestic routes.