Earn Points with Our Partner Flights

Earn with Star Alliance Partner Airlines

Enjoy opportunities to earn Maharaja Points when you fly with the world's largest alliance network.

You can also Claim Missing Points up to 365 days (12 months), 210 days (7 months) and 180 days (6 months) after the date of travel, depending on the airline you travelled in. 

However, your points cannot be claimed if you are not a member of Maharaja Club on the date of travel.  

Maharaja Points Accrual­

To earn Maharaja Points with our Star Alliance Partner Airlines, simply fly in a booking class that is eligible for point accrual. The point accrual eligibility and levels are determined by the class of travel and booking class on the operating carrier.

Maharaja Points accruals for different classes for Star Alliance Partner Airlines are as follows:

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period


200% - A, C, D, Z

100% - Y, B, G, W, H, L, M, V, Q

12 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy

Economy ClassClaim Validity Period

250% - F
200% - A

200% - J
150% - C, D
125% - Z, R

110% - G
90% - E

100% - Y, B, M
75% - U, H, Q
50% - V, W, S, T
25% - K, L, P
12 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period


200% - C, D, J, Z

100% - E, O, U, A, Y, B
70% - M, H, Q, V, (W, T - Long Haul International Only)

6 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period

150% - F, A

150% - J
125% - C, D, Z
70% - P

100% - Y, E, B, M
70% - U, H, Q
50% - V, W, S, T
30% - L, K, G

7 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period

250% - A

200% -{D, J, Z (international route)}, C

100% - Y, B, M, H, E, Q, K, S
70% - {T, G (International route)}
50% - {W(International route)}, V

12 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period


125% - J, C, D, Z, P

100% - O, E, A, Y, B, M, U, H, Q, V
50% - W
50% - S, T, L, G, (International)
25% - K (International)

12 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period


200% - J, C, D
150% - Z
100% - P, A

150% - Y, B
100% - M, U, H
50% - Q, V, W, S, O

6 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period


125% - C, D, J, A, K

100% - H, M, B, Y, E, V, Q, P, O, L, G
50% - Z
50% - S, W (International)
25% - S, W (Domestic)
25% - T, U

12 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period


200% - J, C, D
125% - Z

100% - Y, B, M, U, H
50% - Q, V, W, S, G

6 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period


125% - C, D, R

100% - Y, B, M, H, Q, K, V, U, S, W, E, L, T

6 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period


200% - C, D, Z

150% - Y, B, A, F
100% - M, H, Q, V, K, G
50% - W, S, J, O, P

6 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period


150% - C, D, J
100% - Z

100% - Y
75% - B, M, H, K, Q

12 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period


200% - C, D, J

100% - Y, G, S, B
50% - M, K, L, V
25% - H, Q, U

12 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period


130% - C
125% - J, D

100% - K, L, T, Y, B, P
75% - M
50% - H, S, Q

12 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period


150% - C, D
100% - Z, F

105% - P
100% - A, R, Y, B
70% - M
50% - E, H, K, Q, T, G, S
25% - V, W, L, O, U

6 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period

300% - F, A

200% - J, C, D
150% - Z

150% - G, E, Y, B
100% - N, M, H, U
50% - W, S, Q, V

12 Months

Business Class

Premium Economy

Economy Class

Claim Validity Period

130% - J, C
100% - D, Z, R

100% - G
90% - E

100% - Y, M, B, U
50% - H, Q, V, W, S, T
25% - L, P, A, K

12 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period


125% - C, J
125% - Z,D (Priority International)
125% - Z (Priority Domestic)
100% - D (Priority Domestic)

100% - Y, B, M, K
50% - H, S, Q, T, V
25% - L, W, G

6 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period

300% - F
200% - A

200% - J
150% - C, D
100% - Z, P

100% - Y, B, M, H, U, G
50% - Q, V, W, S

12 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period

150% - F, A

130% - J, C, Z
125% - D, U

100% - S, T, P, B, E, Y
75% - H, W, M

6 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period


200% - C, D, J, Z

125% - Y, B
100% - M, H, Q, S
50% - W, G, L, V, A, K, P, U

12 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period
150% - F, A, P (International)125% - D, J, Z (International)
125% - C
100% - U, Y, M, Q
100% - B, H(International)
100% - T, S(Interline)
100% - K (Interline International)
100% - V, W(Domestic)
12 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period


150% - C, D, Z, K
100% - J

100% - Y, B, M, A, H, S, O, E, Q
50% - T, L
25% - V

12 Months

First Class

Business Class

Premium Economy / Economy Class

Claim Validity Period


125% - J, C, D
100% - Z, P

100% - O, A, R, Y, B, M, E, U, H
75% - Q, V, W
50% - S, T, L, K, G, N

12 Months


  • Booking classes not included in this chart are not eligible for accrual.
  • Please note that the points accrual and booking class eligibility with Star Alliance Partner Airlines are determined by each carrier and are subject to change without prior notice.
  • Effective 31 Aug 2024, Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) has exited Star Alliance. Maharaja Club members will not earn any points for travel on flights operated by SAS post this date.

How to get Maharaja Points into your account

  • Most booking fares are eligible for accrual of Maharaja Points. Please refer to accrual level chart to verify the accrual levels for the relevant airline before making a reservation to determine the eligibility of your booking fare for Maharaja Points accrual.
  • Book under your name as it appears in your passport and Maharaja Club account.
  • Quote your Maharaja Club ID at the time of reservation.
  • Present your Maharaja Club ID at the time of check-in.
  • It may take up to four weeks after your flight for points to be credited to your Maharaja Club account.
  • To see if your points have been credited, please login to check your points statement.
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