Travel to Canada

Travel to Canada with Air India 

Can you imagine enjoying the beautiful coastline, savouring hot pancakes drenched in maple syrup, and feeling the rush of skiing down the slopes? We're excited to fly you to Canada so you can experience all of this and more!

If you're travelling to Canada with us, prepare for an exquisite experience. We fly to Calgary, Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Saint Johns, Toronto, and Vancouver, offering a range of delicious meals and in-flight entertainment on our flights.

A detailed planner or a wing-it backpacker, we have curated a list of must-dos in the city you travel to in Canada. Head to the popular flights page to learn more.

A few quick tips

Save time: Complete customs declaration before you arrive.

If you’re travelling to Canada, please carry your valid passport, valid visa, entry permits (if required) and necessary health certificates. Also, ensure that your embarkation forms, if needed, are filled in and submitted to customs and immigration authorities.

Passengers travelling to Canada can take advantage of the Arrivals Express Line by completing declaration forms required for immigration up to 72 hours before your scheduled arrival in Canada. Go to for details.

Airport information

"On arrival, I must get the fastest ride into the city to close that jackpot business deal. How do I do that?"

"Does the airport have a child-care room?"

"I have an overnight layover. Is there a hotel at the airport?"

Head to the airport information section on our website for all the information you may need, including transportation, amenities, attractions, and more.

Documentation for students

Students must carry valid passports, visas, and other necessary documents and certificates.

If you hold a Canadian visa or PR card, you can only transit through the US with a valid US visa.

Air India in Canada 

Baggage allowance

Learn more about baggage allowance and oversized baggage fees. 

Are you importing a dog?

Are you importing a dog to Canada? For the formalities and documentation required while importing a dog, visit the carriage of pets page. 

Learn more about the regulations to help prevent the spread of dog rabies.

Carriage and tariff rates

Learn more about the conditions of carriage and tariff rates when travelling with us to Canada.

Our offices in Canada and contact information

Air India has offices in Vancouver and Toronto. Click here to know more.

Contact us on our 24-hour toll-free number: 1888-634-1407.

Accessibility plan and Feedback Process for Canada

Air India is dedicated to making air travel accessible to all, especially for passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility. Learn more about the Accessibility Plan and Feedback Process for Canada and the Accessibility Plan Progress Report.